years of experience

About us

World of Empowerment (WE) is an online portal to personal power, self-help and the growth of awareness. It was founded by Aingeal Rose & Ahonu on 11/11/11 and relaunched on 2/22/22. It is our divine duty to expand consciousness, achieve enlightenment, and help others grow in spiritual awareness in this time of change.

WE empowers people like you to unlock your full potential and live a purposeful life. With our transformative books, courses, workshops and monthly sessions on awareness and expansion of consciousness, WE has helped 1,000s awaken their true selves and embrace their life's purpose.

Our Mission

We are a vibrant community of like-minded people on a mission of expansion of mind, body, and spirit.

Our Vision

Enlightened people co-creating a new world of empowerment, sovereignty, and self-mastery.
World of Empowerment - it's our Divine duty to help!

Careful, WE has helped 1,000s ascend!

No, not die, just ascend in personal power and spiritual awareness. How? Here is a conscious community of enlightened people co-creating a new world of empowerment, sovereignty, and self-mastery whose divine duty is to share the expansion of consciousness that has transformed 1,000s!
Man about to join the World of Empowerment!

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the World of Empowerment?

It is a timely online portal to personal power, self-help and the growth of awareness. It was founded by Aingeal Rose & Ahonu on 11/11/11 and relaunched on 2/22/22 to expand consciousness, achieve self-fulfilment, and help you grow in spiritual awareness in this great time of change.

What kinds of courses can I do here?

You will find courses, meditations, downloads, profound statements, quotes, artwork and ebooks that help you in your quest for fulfillment and understanding of life. Click around to find what you need, and choose the one that will challenge and benefit you the most.

Do you issue certificates on completion?

Yes, some courses have a simple certificate of completion, while other courses offer a Practitioner's Certification. These are issued once the student meets the requirements.

Are the courses free?

Some are expensive and must be purchased separately, but for members, most are free.

In what format are your courses?

All courses are in video format with many having supplemental materials like workbooks, checklists, downloads etc.

How will I learn, and can I go at my own pace?

Depending on the course you choose, you could be learning in any combination of video lectures and independent study that may involve reading or writing. With all courses, you can work at your own pace but you will not be able to jump ahead until some assignments are completed.

Find personal and professional growth

You are joining a conscious community of enlightened people co-creating a new world of empowerment, sovereignty, and self-mastery whose divine duty is to share the awareness and expansion of consciousness that has transformed 1,000s!

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